Medical devices “Made in Thuasne” that guarantee quality and efficiency

As a result of decades of experience  and six generations of family ownership,  Thuasne is now a “multi-specialist” in several major disease classifications. Thuasne can provide assurance that its products are designed, manufactured and distributed using technology and resources controlled by the Group. This control offers patients and healthcare professionals a guarantee of quality and efficiency.


From an expert grasp of varied industrial skills to tailor made

Thuasne has progressively developed expert industrial skills and customized expertise in diverse fabrication technologies including wrapping, weaving, knitting, coating, welding, assembly, silicone, molding, and shaping of specialty metals. This wide-ranging technology and manufacturing proficiency permits the creation of the complex medical devices and life-enhancing solutions.

Thuasne is also a specialist in made to measure garments and custom braces. The Group can offer the individual patient, specific to their morphology, unique anatomical shape and physical dimensions, a custom crafted personal solution, entirely made to measure using the exclusive fabrication processes and know how.


Product quality: a continous focus

Thuasne has always opted for excellence out of respect for patients. The desire to be a ‘premium’ provider maintains a legacy of providing the highest quality products and service.

Consistent with this approach, Thuasne was among the first companies to engage in “quality” and “normative” processes. For each of the Group entities, a stringent quality policy dictates the activities of research and development, production, marketing,  distribution and customer support.

Throughout the world, Thuasne routinely interfaces with various medical and technical certification agencies including the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the Unite States; the Hohenstein Institute in Germany; and ASQUAL in France.

Thuasne’s consistency and reliability is essential in the field of healthcare.


The Thuasne Group’s quality policy has enabled the industrial sites in France, Romania, the Czech Republic and Germany to obtain ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certifications. This achievement requires constant efforts to meet the standards of certification organizations like AFNOR in France and TÜV Nord in Germany. The Group’s manufacturing sites in Saint-Etienne are also certified ISO14001 and ISO 50001 in order to limit their environmental impact.

Thuasne is extremely vigilant when it comes to the selection and inspection of materials used in its manufacturing processes. Thuasne obtained the Oeko-Tex label for compression stockings and CICATREX® fabrics for serious burns. This label guarantees that products are free of hazardous substances.

These products are regulated devices which bear the CE marking.